公寓 & Residence Hall Room Types


华南理工大学宿舍提供了一个极好的机会来体验我们独特的校园文化-不仅仅是作为学生, 但是作为一名住院医生. 因此,当您探索基督教社会联盟DH时,我们邀请您发现它带来的许多优势 住在校园里(见平面图、虚拟参观、图片和视频剪辑), in the middle of it all. 适用于今天!


基督教社会联盟DH的校内住宿使您远离课堂, 你的教授, 和 an array of resources right outside 你r door. Forget about driving or parking! 你的通勤只需在我们美丽的校园里走一小段路.

Live Where You Learn

研究表明,住在校园里的学生成绩更好, finish their degrees faster, go to graduate school more often, 和 are happier with their college experience.

Supportive Environment

Our housing accommodations provide a quiet, 无干扰的环境,有利于生活和学习. 我们的住宿工作人员也会定期与住客沟通,以确定可能影响他们学业或个人生活的任何问题或挑战, 并将学生与解决这些问题所需的资源联系起来.

Build Your Life Skills

住在校园里是培养你独立生活能力的好方法. 你会发现拥有和管理自己的空间所带来的自由和自律.

Our Housing Complex

基督教社会联盟DH大学宿舍是由22栋两层公寓楼组成的公寓和宿舍综合体, 1 four-story residence hall, 和 3 commons/administrative buildings. 建筑四周环绕着草地、树木和鲜花——非常适合学习或放松. There are 32 one-bedroom apartments housing 2 students each, 72 two-bedroom apartments housing 4 students each, 和 60 three-bedroom apartments housing 6 students each. 我们的宿舍楼共有159间双人房(34间)。, triple (63 rooms) or quadruple (58 rooms) occupancy options. 我们的17间公寓和4间宿舍房间都有专门的设备,以容纳残疾学生.

Accommodation Type Eligibility

  • 公寓: 只有高年级学生(二年级及以上)才有资格入住公寓. 一年级(新生)学生没有资格住在公寓.

  • 学生宿舍: 宿舍楼对所有学生开放,无论班级地位如何,但是 一年级学生(新生)必须住在学生宿舍.

  • ADA Accommodations: 遵守美国残疾人法案(ADA)和公平住房法案(FHA), 加州州立大学多明格斯山致力于为有残疾记录的学生提供合理的住房. To request an accommodation such as a single occupancy room, 或者带一只ESA(情感支持动物)或服务动物到校园, 你 必须首先 做到以下几点:
    1. 应用 for Housing through the 房地产门户网站.
    2. Student disAbility Resource Center (SdRC),并提供支持住宿要求的文件. Click for instructions on how to register with SdRC. SdRC位于韦尔奇大厅,D180(电话:310- 243-3660,电子邮件: sdrc@jinken-fukuoka.com).
    3. 遵循申请住宿的程序 在这里 国家发改委.


    • 2024年4月29日 for Summer 2024 applicants.
    • 2024年5月29日 for Academic Year 2024-25 applicants.

住房申请优先日期提交的请求将由SdRC审查,并在每个学期的正式入住日期(5月24日)之前提供回复, 2024 for Summer 2024; August 22, 2024 for the 2024-25 Academic Year). 在优先日期之后提交的申请将由SdRC处理 third Friday of each month. 紧急请求可随时提交,并将根据需要进行审查. 

虽然SdRC与大学宿舍合作,使房间分配过程轻松无缝, we cannot guarantee that all requests will be approved, 或者某些住宿类型将在申请时可用

Apartment Features

  • Controlled access community.
  • 家具齐全.
  • Patios or balconies.
  • Basic cable TV connection available in each apartment.
  • Wireless Internet access provided in each unit.
  • All utilities included.
  • All apartments are non-smoking.
  • Community laundry facilities.
  • Basketball 和 volleyball courts.
  • Lounge, study, 和 recreational facility.
  • 专题节目,住宅郊游和其他社会活动.
  • Leadership 和 student government opportunities.
  • 24-hour live-in staff.
  • Onity electronic locking system.
  • Safes available for student use.

Apartment Furnishings

  • Wall-to-wall carpet, tile or combination.
  • Extra-long twin bed 和 mattress.
  • 桌子上  椅子.
  • Dresser 和 closet.
  • 百叶窗.
  • Sofa, love seat, or lounge 椅子s.
  • Dining table 和 椅子s.
  • Stove, oven, 和 refrigerator.

Apartment residents provide their own blankets, 床单, 毛巾, 菜, 餐具, 厨具, 和 other personal items such as microwaves, 迷你或微型冰箱(每间公寓不允许超过2个-最大3个).7 cubic feet), or televisions. 

See a map of our apartment locations.

Residence Hall Features

  • 每个房间和整个大楼都有大学WiFi.
  • Central air 和 heat.
  • All utilities included.
  • All rooms are non-smoking.
  • Basketball 和 volleyball courts.
  • Lounge, study 和 recreational areas.
  • Community laundry facility.
  • Large community kitchen 和 two kitchenettes.
  • 专题节目,住宅郊游和其他社会活动.
  • Leadership 和 student government opportunities.
  • 24-hour live-in staff.
  • Onity electronic locking system.

Residence Hall Furnishings

  • Luxury vinyl tile in every room 和 common area.
  • 超长双人床和床垫(床在三人房和四人房加铺).
  • 桌子上  椅子 (desk can be secured with personal padlock).
  • 小衣柜.
  • 五斗橱.

Residence hall residents provide their own blankets, 床单, 毛巾, 其他个人物品,如迷你或微型冰箱(每个宿舍房间不允许超过1个-最大3个).7 cubic feet) or televisions. 宿舍房间内不允许使用独立微波炉或任何其他类型的烹饪器具.

See a map of all 3 Housing areas in relation to campus.



丰富的文化多样性反映在我们的校园住宿社区, with many programs 和 activities available for our residents. 这些包括:

  • 免费烧烤、电影之夜、舞会和其他社交活动.
  • 跟团去迪斯尼乐园和诺特浆果农场.
  • 正规澳门平台十大赌博酗酒、学习技巧和健康问题的教育计划和研讨会.
  • 专题节目,住宅郊游和其他社会活动.
  • Leadership 和 student government opportunities.
  • 开放论坛,居民可以与大学宿舍和其他校园部门的工作人员交谈.

我们很乐意为残疾学生提供合理的住宿安排,帮助他们参加住宿活动. To better assist 你, please 正规澳门平台十大赌博 at least five days prior to any scheduled events.

Renters Insurance

As noted in the Housing License Agreement, 基督教社会联盟DH不承担任何责任,也不为您的个人财产提供任何保险或财务保护. We strongly recommend that 你 get renters insurance coverage. As a current or prospective University Housing resident, 你’re eligible to purchase coverage through GradGuard’s student renters insurance program. 基督教社会联盟DH不因提供此学生福利而获得补偿. 因为你是基督教社会联盟DH的学生,所以你可以享受这个优惠的价格. GradGuard的租户保险由Markel®美国保险公司承保.

索赔和承保范围受语言、限制和除外责任以及政策的约束. 访问 GradGuard for more information about their coverage 和 a quote.

视频: Why renters insurance is a good idea for college students

Housing on Social 媒体: